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stage show

stage show

stage show

If you’re organising an event, then BoomCats FIRESHOW is the ideal show for you. It’s perfect for music festivals, moto events, private parties and more. Using our own music and choreography, our performances are effective, extravagant, packed with special effects, and HOT!

Lasting between 5 and 15 minutes, up to 8 of our performers will bring you the hottest show you’ve ever seen! Cost of the show is fully flexible, depending on how many performers are on stage.

welcoming Guests

welcoming Guests

Welcome gusts to your event with REAL FIRE!
Perfect for restaurants, clubs, and private parties, we know that first impressions count, and your guests will be blown away by our show, as we interact with guests, taking photos, and making sure they feel welcome.

Ideally lasting between 1 and 2 hours, up to 8 of BoomCats’ performers will bring the heat to your event.

fire gogo dance

fire gogo dance

A brand new kind of show, ideal for clubs and parties.

If you are unsure about hosting a fireshow at your venue or location, we are happy to discuss fire safety and risk assessments. Our special fuel does not produce smoke.

BoomCats have performed Fire GO-GO dances at Duplex, Mecca, and many more legendary Prague clubs.


Want to add a little extra sparkle to your party or event? No problem!

We use pyrotechnics and fountains designed for indoor use, maintaining safety of you and your guests at all times. All fire safety rules will be discussed in advance of your event.