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about booking and pricelists

walking acts

walking acts and hostesses

Add a little something extra to your event with BoomCats’ walking acts and hostesses.

With your party in full swing, and everybody enjoying the evening, our hostesses and walking acts will complete the exuberant atmosphere in our extravagant and sexy costumes.



Are you a photographer, visual artist, fashion designer, or you started your own beauty business and need models?

We can create a special performance or a visual just for you to help support your brand. Get in touch for further details.

special projects

special projects

We always love to collaborate and participate in projects that combine the elements of several fields of art.

If you have an artistic vision which can be enhanced by our special skills, then we are here for you.


art collaboration

We love our art and we want to show it to the world. We are more than happy to start a collaboration with photographers and visual artists.

If you are looking for models for your project, do not hesitate to contact us!